Plant Material
Trees are balled and burlaped. For sizes and pricing information call 484-989-8018
Acer Freemanii 'Autumn Blaze' - Autumn Blaze Maple
A cross between a Red and Silver Maple.
Acer Freemanii 'Sienna Glen' - Sienna Glen Maple
A cross between a Red and Silver Maple.
Acer Ginnala Maxim - Flame Amur Maple
A coarsely toothed leaf with a flame-red autumn color.
Acer Palmatum 'Bloodgood' - Bloodgood Japanese Maple
An upright-growing Japanese Maple.
Acer Palmatum 'Emperor' - Emperor Japanese Maple
A cold hardy Japanese Maple. Dark red summer foliage that turns scarlet red in the fall. Grows
upright similar to the Bloodgood.
Acer Palmatum 'Sango Kaku' - Coral Bark Japanese Maple
A specimen tree with coral red bark on its young branches.
Acer Palmatum 'Var. Dissectum' - Tamukeyama Japanese Maple
A mounding dwarf tree in green and red varieties.
Acer Platanoides 'Crimson King' - Crimson King Maple
With purple-green summer foliage and similar growth to Common maple trees.
Acer Platanoides 'Crimson Sentry - Crimson Sentry Maple
More compact than the Crimson King but similar leaf color.
Acer Platanoides 'Globosum' - Globe Maple
Forms a ball-shaped head with dense foliage.
Acer Pseudoplatanus - Regal Petticoat Maple
An olive green leaf on top with a burgundy-red color underneath.
Acer Rubrum 'Armstong' - Armstrong Red Maple
Narrow growth with light green foliage in the summer.
Acer Rubrum 'October Glory' - October Glory Maple
Scarlet red fall color beginning in October.
Acer Rubrum 'Red Sunset' - Red Sunset Maple
Bright red fall color in the leaves and red young branches in the winter
Acer Saccharum 'Commemoration' - Commemoration Maple
A fast-growing Sugar Maple variety. It is very similar to the Green Mountain Sugar Maple.
Acer Saccharum 'Fall Fiesta' - Fall Fiesta Maple
A Sugar Maple variant with heavier, more resilient leaves. An oval-like head shape.
Acer Saccharum 'Green Mountain' - Green Mountain Sugar Maple
A hardy sugar maple. Reddish orange fall color.
Acer Tataricum Garann - Hotwings Tatarian Maple
Rounded head growth on mature trees. The seed sack spawns a bright red color.
Acer Truncatum - Pacific Sunset Maple
An array of red, yellow, and orange fall colors.
Amelanchier Arborea - Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry
A multi-stem ornamental. White flowers in the spring and red foliage in the fall.
Amelanchier 'Grandiflora' - Princess Diana Serviceberry
A multi-stem ornamental with white spring flowers and wide-spreading branches.
Amelanchier 'Laevis' - Allegheny Service Berry
A multi-stem ornamental with white spring flowers and wide-spreading branches.
Betula Nigra - Hertiage River Birch
Scaly beige and white bark. Resilient in less irrigated soil.
Betula Nigra 'Clump' - Clump River Birch
Scaly beige and white bark. The clump form spreads wider. Resilient in less irrigated soil.
Betula Pendula Laciniata - Cutleaf Weeping Birch
Pendulous branches that grow to nearly touch the ground.
Betula Nigra 'Dura' - Dura Heat Birch
Whiter bark than the River Birch with better heat tolerance.
Carpinus Betulus - European Hornbeam
Dense and compact head with narrow upright growth. Pyramidal form with dark green leaves.
Carpinus Caroliniana 'Iron Wood' - Ironwood American Hornbeam
A naturally adaptive tree with intense fall color.
Cercis Canadensis - Eastern Redbud
Reddish purple buds that flower pink in late spring. Hardier than other Cercis.
Cercis Canadensis "Clump' - Clump Eastern Redbud
Clump version with greater width and slightly shorter height.
Cercis Canadensis 'Var. Texensis' - Oklahoma Redbud
A darker purple, almost violet spring bloom.
Cornus Alba 'Samaratin' - Variegated Samaritan Dogwood
Japanese dogwood with white flowers in spring and a variegated white and green leaf.
Cornus Controversa - June Snow Dogwood
Known for its early summer white flowers. A large growing dogwood.
Cornus Florida 'Pink' - Pink Flowering American Dogwood
Pink flowering American Dogwood. Short and compact. Grows Best in full sun.
Cornus Florida 'Superior White' - Superior White Dogwood
White flowering American Dogwood. Slightly faster and larger growth than its pink counterpart.
Cornus Rutdan - Celestial Dogwood
Dense upright growth that fans out like a zelkova. White flowers in mid to late spring.
Beautiful red fall color.
Cornus Sericea - Red Twig Dogwood
Multi stem red branched deciduous shrub.
Fagus Sylvatica - Tricolor Beech
A European beech with vibrant pink, white, and purple leaves.
Gingko Bilboa - Gingko
The oldest known species of tree. Vibrant green leaves that turn yellow in the fall.
Gleditisia Triancanthos 'Halka' - Halka Honey Locust
A very symmetrical and round crown. One of the more favored honey Locust varieties.
Gleditsia Triacanthos 'f. intermis' - Northern Acclaim Honey Locust
Urban and drought tolerant. Yellow fall color with minor leaf cleanup necessary.
Juniperus Scopulorum - Blue Arrow Juniper
An evergreen shrub with narrow and upright growth similar to an arborvitae.
Juniperus Virginiana - Eastern Red Cedar
Smaller evergreen tree with a pyramidal shape. Fruits a light blueberry. Drought tolerant.
Laburnum Anagyroides 'Columnar' - Columnar Goldenchain
A longer flowering ornamental with yellow, chain-like growth.
Lagerstoemia - Crepe Myrtle
Small deciduous tree with summer pink or red flowers. Multi-stemmed.
Liriodendron Tulipifera - Tulip Tree
Fast-growing tree with square-like leaves. Produce a yellow-green flower when older.
Malus Adsringens - Emerald Spire Crab Apple
White-silver flowers with upright growth habit.
Malus Hupehensis 'Prairifire' - Prairifire Crabapple
Dense and round ornamental. Pinkish-red buds open to deep pink-red flowers.
Malus Jeflite 'Starlite' - Starlite Crabapple
A round and dense growth habit. White flowers.
Malus 'Red Jewel' - Red Jewel Crabapple
Red fruit and white-grey flowers. Irregular, oval-shaped head.
Picea Abies 'Norway' - Norway Spruce
A popular, fast-growing evergreen. Tall and straight triangular appearance.
Picea Abies Pendula - Weeping Norway Spruce
Low-growing branches that trail outward. Easily trained with stakes.
Picea Glauca 'Black Hills' - Black Hills Spruce
Blue-green needle tint. Semi-slower growth than other spruce.
Picea Glauca 'White' - White Spruce
Moderately fast-growing Spruce. More tolerant of poorly drained soil.
Picea Omorika 'Serbian' - Serbian Spruce
A dark green needle. Narrow, Pendulant branches that curve upwards
Picea Pungens 'Colorado Blue' - Colorado Blue Spruce
Dense and horizontal growing branches. Dominant blueish-green color.
Picea Pungens 'Colorado Green' - Colorado Green Spruce
Younger trees have a blueish tint turning green as they age. Prefers a rich, acidic soil.
Pinus Strobus - Eastern White Pine
The most adaptable Pine variant. Blueish green and thin needles.
Platanus Acerfolia 'Bloodgood' - Bloodgood London Plane
Rapid growth with broad spreading branches. Bark naturally sheds. Urban environment resilience.
Platanus Acerfolia 'Exclamation' - Exclamation London Plane
Rapid growth rate with a dominant leader. Urban environment tolerance.
Popululus Tremuloides "Quaking' - Quaking Aspen
Native North American tree with smooth white bark.
Prunus Cerasifera 'Thundercloud' - Thundercloud Plum
A purple leaf that gains a reddish tint into the summer season.
Prunus Incamp - Okame Cherry
Early bloomer with small, pink flowers. Upright growth habit.
Prunus Serrulata - Kwanzan Cherry
Vase-shaped tree with larger pink flowers.
Prunus Snofozam - Snowfountain Cherry
Hanging branches with white flowers. Smaller growth than other weeping cherries.
Prunus Virginiana - Canada Red Chokecherry
Beautiful upright growing tree with green leaves that turn purple-red with warmth. Very hardy.
Prunus Yedoensis - Yoshino Cherry
Pinkish-white flowers with an upright growing habit.
Quercus Coccinea - Scarlet Oak
Bright red fall color. Upright growth with broad branches.
Quercus Macrocarpa - Bur Oak
Well suited for open areas. Large leaves.
Quercus Palustris - Northern Pin Oak
Fast-growing tree with a strong leader. Bright red fall color.
Quercus Rubra - Red Oak
A rapid grower with multiple uses. Pyramidal when young and broadening with age.
Quercus Shumardii - Shumard Oak
Pyramidal growth habit opening up with maturity.
Sciadopitys Verticillata - Japanese Umbrella Pine
A slow-growing evergreen with long and thick needles. More resistant to deer than Pinus species.
Syringa Reticulata - Ivory Silk Japanese Lilac
Upright spreading Lilac that has white flowers in spring.
Thuja Plicata - Green Giant Arborvitae
Deer resistant arborvitae. Great for screens and privacy hedges. Fast growth habit.
Tilia Mongolica 'Harvest Gold' - Harvest Gold Linden
Cross between Littleleaf Linden and Mongolian Linden. Hardy in cold climates.
Tilia Cordata 'Greenspire' - Greenspire Linden
Fast grower with narrow, oval-shaped crown.
Tilia Tomentosa 'Sterling' - Sterling Silver Linden
Large green leaves with silver undersurface. Fast grower.
Ulmus Accolade - Accolade Elm
Vase-shaped head. Resistant to Dutch Elm disease.
Ulmus Americana 'New Harmony' - New Harmony Elm
More narrow crown with tolerance to an urban environment.
Ulmas Americana 'Prairie Expicition' - Prairie Expidition Elm
Umbrella-shaped crown with dark green leaves.
Ulmas Americana 'Princeton' - Princeton Elm
Vase-shaped head. Resistant to Dutch Elm disease.
Zelkova Serrata 'Green Vase' - Green Vase Zelkova
Vase head shape that is taller and more narrow than the Village Green Zelkova.
Zelkova Serrata 'Musashino' - Musashino Zelkova
A tighter more columnar growth habit.
Zelkova Serrata 'Village Green' - Village Green Zelkova
Resistant to Dutch Elm Disease. Clean, light green foliage with a vase-shaped head.